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Private Training

If you already purchased a plan, just schedule your next session

*Make sure you are logged in so you don't have to purchase anything*

New athletes, just scroll down

Fitness Class

What's in it for you...

  • Measurable Results

    • "You can't improve what you don't measure"

      • State-of-the-art speed timing system​

      • Innovative app that you use during the session

        • Our training app keeps track of past sets, reps, weights, PRs

        • Each athlete's history is stored in the app and can be accessed on their phone


  • No Fluff Training

    • ​We aim to equip each athlete with the necessary tools (mechanics, strength, speed, etc.) to prevent injuries and ensure long-term athletic success. We don't mess around with the trending fitness fads​​​

  • 24/7 Gym Access Outside of Sessions

    • Our gym space is hosted by Project Veteran Muscle (PVM) in Elkhorn. Because of this, each athlete must have a gym membership to attend sessions. ​With that membership, you can show up to the gym anytime. 


  • Learning-Driven Coaching

    • Every athlete can have a coach right by their side every time they are in the gym

    • Hence the importance of educating each athlete about why we do the things that we do​


  • A Coach Who Will Overdeliver

    • ​My business model is built on providing excessive value to your unique situation

    • Give me your trust and I will show you exactly what you are paying me for

New Athlete Checklist

Step 1
Step 2

Decide if you want to train 1, 2, or 3 times per week

Up to 1/wk = Silver Membership
Up to 2/wk = Gold Membership
Up to 3/wk = Platinum Membership

Step 3

Commit to either 1-month , 3-month, or 6-month membership

Step 4
Step 5

Check your email for further instructions

Step 6

Show up ready to work
That means:

  • Charged phone​​​​

    • To read that day's workout and track your numbers

    • ​Not for scrolling on TikTok


  • Appropriate shoes​​

    • If possible, have both athletic shoes AND cleats

    • This will vary from session to session​


  • Leave the drama at the door​​​​

    • Training should be focused AND fun​


  • Properly fueled and hydrated​

    • If you are going to spend the time and money to train, it's worth it to show up with a full gas tank

    • Bring a water bottle​​​

No plans availableOnce there are plans available for purchase, you’ll see them here.
No plans availableOnce there are plans available for purchase, you’ll see them here.
No plans availableOnce there are plans available for purchase, you’ll see them here.
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